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Tuesday 30 April 2013


Apa ada dalam blog ini!??
kosong..kosong.. bab kata Najwa Latif.

Haaa!!! nk citer cket ni, lagu baru t-ara N4 dh kuar smalam. Tjuk dye Countryside Life! Wah!! giler la dye punye dance. Kate hip hop, mestilah hebat tarian dye. Rase cm nk ikut rentak dye skali..hahaha
Wae Wae Wae..bla...bla...bla... ehemm apa2 pn N4 the best!! tu pn sebab ad Hyomin..haha. Ermmm tu Kpop, Klau AKB48 plak cmner??Haaaah.....dulu tak minat Jepun pun, skarang da mula minat cket2. TU pn ad kwn yang perkEnalkan AKB ni..setahu ak grup ni ada bnyak tmpt..JKT ada..SKE ada...bnyk lah tp tak ingat sgt. Mklumlah bru nak masuk JEPUN kan..Klakar giler bile dengar lagu JKT48 tjuk river.. Klakar-klakar pun best la jugak.. TAPI bila bace lirik dye lagi la klakar..hahaha, xleh bla.. 'MAJULAH KE DEPAN! GOT IT! JANGANLAH BERHENTI! GOT IT! PENGHALANG ADALAH RIVER! RIVER! RIVER!'.. ahaha..tu je lah lirik yg ak thu..tpi klau nak dengar lebih cri r sndiri..heheh
xpe2 klau ade mse ak letak lah..skurg2nya berseri cket blog ak ni.. Ak tengok da mcm bersarang dh..lme sgt tak update.. k Assalamualaikum..TATA, saranghae!!

Friday 19 April 2013

promise me..
you are mine in the summer...
beznye dengar lagu one direction ni. Aku minat semua lagu dye. Lirik dye pun mudah nak paham apatah lgi nk hafal..hehe,
Aduh! Boring giler ni. Tak tahu nk wat ape. Mentang2 bru abes test td. Dah lah lam bilik ni macam tak de orang padahal ada..huhu..semua buat kerja masing2. Aku ni bila nak berubah. Orang sibuk nak kejar kejayaan aku pulak sibuk nak kejar kegagalan..hampeh, Ape pon tak boleh!! Haiii.......

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Just Story...


Hari ni rase macam nak serlahkan kreativiti..eheheh. So saya post la satu cerita ni. Saya reka sendiri taw. Just kisah cinta dongeng je..ehem..tp versi ENGLISH..hah kau! jangan maen2 ngan aku..hahaha
Saya tak pandai sangat english ni tp rasenye macam ni lah kot nk improve my english language and writing. First time kot buat citer english, cerita melayu pun tak pernah buat..Terror bebenor aku ni..kihkihkih


         In a land of myth and a time of magic, there were two twin sisters in a large kingdom. They were Eryne and Emily. Eryne was a beautiful and gently than her twin sister, Emily. Even though   she come from a noble blood family, she love to help poor people. But different from her sister, Emily has a sweet face and cheerful. She was a caring girl and she will do anything for her sister even though she has to risk her own life.
         They live in Kingdom Manhantaa at Isle of Wonderland. The place was very beautiful, colorful and peaceful. The place also has many large forests that contain various types of plants. On the glory morning, the twins walked into the jungle to look for flowers. The jungle was full of kind colors. From far, they saw a shining flower. They approached the flower and amazed. The flower has a bright gold color. They never found the flower like that before.
         Then, Eryne picked the flower. But suddenly, she felt dizzy and fell down. At that moment, a witch shadow came out from the flower and laugh loudly. Emily was shocked and she asked “Who are you?”
The witch said,” I’m Nimueh. Finally, my revenge is over. Your sister had paid for it”.
“No! It’s ridiculous! Why are you doing this to us? ”, Emily shouted.
“You know nothing! Your mother has robbed a man that I loved. That man is your own father. Therefore, I have sworn to destroy the entire royal family come from your mother. Now your twin sister was paid, next is your turn. You must be ready to die! ”. Nimueh said with feeling full of revenge.
Emily cried loudly while said, “No! You can’t do this to us.”
Then, the witch laughed while disappeared immediately. Emily wondered where the witch was gone. She took Eryne home. She could see Eryne’s skin covered by scales slowly. She tried to find some potion to heal Eryne, but nothing changed.
         One night, she dreamed her late father, Lord Arthur, come to see her with a full of sadness. Her father said, “The only thing to cure your sister’s curse is true love but to find the true love, there must be a sacrifice”. Suddenly, Emily woke up and yelled, “Oh god! Father…why does it happen to me? Why me!? ” But for her sister, she will do anything. Eryne was the only sister that she had. Even Emily had to sacrifice, her life for her sister she will to do so.
         On the next day, she prepared for new adventure to find the true love. She went to the forest and faced a lot of challenges there. On the way, she found a handsome and strong knight with his horse and a shining sword embedded on his waist. He looked like taking a rest under a big tree.
She approached and said, “Hello.”
 The knight with a blue-eyed stared at her strangely. “Who are you? What are you doing here alone? It’s dangerous you know? ”.
 Then Emily glued when she gazed the blue-eyed of the knight. The handsome knight felt strange while his strong hand waved in front of Emily’s face.
 Emily shocked and spook with stuttered, “yy..yes, I know, but I have to find a potion for my sister who had been cursed.”
“What is the potion? Maybe I can help,” the knight asked.
“It is true love,” Emily answered confidently.
“Hahaha,” the knight laughed immediately.
“Nonsense! Where can you find that kind of potion? I think you have been fooled my lady.”
“But I believe there must be another cure.”
“Perhaps you should take me to your sister. Then I’ll find the potion for her.”
Suddenly, she felt something different in her heart. A strange feeling that she doesn’t knew what does it means. Love? No way! She must help her sister. That was the only motive now. But she cannot denied it. Deep in her heart, she has fell in love with that knight. Then, they travelled together through the forest back home.
On the way, they were talking.
“I am wondering about you. Are we even met before? Your face looks like someone that I had ever met. What is your name my lady?”
“My name is Emily,” Emily smiled.
“It’s a nice smile Emily. Your smile reminds me to someone special to me.”
Emily looked at his face and though ‘is he had someone special?’ then she lowered her face. Her heart ruined.
“Hmm..and you? What is your name?”
“Oh! My name is Alexander. You can call me Alex.”
“Thanks Alex. You are a good knight even you are responsible. You are willing to help an unknown person like me.”
“It’s not a problem my lady. I know you right now. You’re Lady Emily right?”
They laughed.
“Actually, I have doesn’t know why I’m too easy to help you. My heart is compelled to help you. So, you look me, I’m here, with you.” Sir Alexander smiled.
Suddenly, Nimueh come out as a black shadow. Emily gasped while Sir Alexander shocked and he shouted, “Nimueh!”
Emily yelled to Nimueh, “What do you want?”
Nimueh laugh arrogantly.
 “I want to kill you. As I promised yesterday that I want to kill you after what happened to your sister. Hahahaha. Your sister will not live long. Soon she will die”.
Sir Alexander said angrily “Don’t touch her. Better I’ll kill you first before you kill Emily. You’re such an evil sorcerer!”  Then he pulled the shining sword from his waist and heading to Nimueh.
“Oh! There is a brave knight here.” Nimueh spooks arrogantly. But she didn’t know that the sword was made from a breath dragon. The dragon named Aithusa. Aithusa was the dragon that has guarded by the dragon lord, Merlin. Merlin gives the sword to the bravest knight like Sir Alexander.
Immediately, Nimueh spelled her mantra thus a large red fire power came out and attack Emily. Before that, Sir Alexander blocked that power with his sword quickly. Fortunately, Emily saved from the red fire power. Soon, Sir Alexander ran toward Nimueh then stabbed her chest with the sword.
“Arghh!” . Nimueh screamed in a pain then her shadow disappeared.
Emily cried in a fright. Sir Alexander held her shoulder to persuade. Emily hugged him tightly and said “I’m scared”, Sir Alexander gave a respond and he also hugged Emily. Sir Alexander said “Nimueh was died. You don't have to scare anymore.” A little while Emily felt relaxed.
After that event, they continued walking home without any dangers.

They got home at midnight.
Emily showed her sister to Sir Alexander. He shocked and claimed,
“Oh! It’s so terrible. She’s really sick and become worst. I never have seen a kind of the curse before.”
“So how to cure my sister Alex ? Please help me. I don’t want to lose my sister.” Emily cried again.
“Wait! I think I’ve ever met someone who dressed like your sister before. Wasn't she always went to a Green Garden?”
“Yes, she always went there after our father died. Just only that place will calm her heart when she missed our father. She is the one who closed to my father than me.” Emily explained.
“Is it true? Oh god! That means the lady that I fall in love is your sister. Finally I found her. Thanks Emily. If you not met me, I can’t find my beloved woman”.
Emily upset with his explanation. Unconsciously, someone special to him was her own sister. However, Eryne ever told her about a handsome man was always watching her at the Green Garden and Emily thought that man is Sir Alexander. Eryne also told her that she had a same feeling to him. When she saw her sister’s condition, immediately she threw away her feeling to Sir Alexander. She didn’t want to make her sister sad.
         Soon, Emily told to him that Eryne had the same feeling with him. Alex’s face turned to red when Emily said like that while at the same time, his heart felt very happy. Sir Alexander remembered the potion that Emily said before thus quickly he went toward Eryne while followed by Emily. He saw her face then he looked Emily.
 Emily said, “The cure is true love. Maybe you are Eryne’s true love. And I think the curse will destroy after you kiss her.”
“Should I kiss her? If it doesn’t work that means I’m not her true love right?” Sir Alexander was pounding.
“That’s right, but I’m very confident that you’re her true love. You should kiss her quickly because we have not much time. Her condition became worst.”
Sir Alexander looked Eryne deeply. His heart said ‘you are my love, Eryne. I love you’. Slowly he got closer his face to Eryne and he kissed her lips. One minute later, Eryne woke up. The scales on her face disappeared. Sir Alexander smiled at her while Eryne felt uncomfortable to him. She looked his face and wondered, “Who are you?”
“His name is Alexander. He is the knight and the man that you have told me before. He is your true love.” Emily described.
“So you are that man. The man I love?” Eryne asked.
“Yes I am,” Sir Alexander answered confidently.
“And I love you too. You’re the first woman that had in my heart. I can’t believe it. After many weeks I’m looking for you at the Green Garden finally I found you.”
         Emily looked at them. She knew both of them had same feeling. Love! But it doesn’t matter for her anymore. As long as Eryne can lived happily and healthy, she will feel happy too. Now, she understood what her father said, ‘there must be a sacrifice to find the cure”. Now she knew what the sacrification is!

Sunday 24 March 2013

Baru Permulaan.....

Hatiku tak pernah terdetik untuk memiliki blog ini...
Aku tak kreatif mne pon..
Aku tengok blog org len cntik gler..aku pn nk try cuba wt jgk lah..hahahah
Sebenarnya bukan hobi aku untuk berblog tp entah mengapa hati ini terdetik untuk berbuat sedemikian....hahaha
Mungkin sebab aku melihat teman2 ku memiliki blog jd aku pon turut aje..
